Dynamic stability of power grids–new datasets for Graph Neural Networks

Published in Arxiv, 2022

Recommended citation: Nauck et al., 2022. "Dynamic stability of power grids--new datasets for Graph Neural Networks." Arxiv 2022. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06369


One of the key challenges for the success of the energy transition towards renewable energies is the analysis of the dynamic stability of power grids. However, dynamic solutions are intractable and exceedingly expensive for large grids. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a promising method to reduce the computational effort of predicting dynamic stability of power grids, however datasets of appropriate complexity and size do not yet exist. We introduce two new datasets of synthetically generated power grids. For each grid, the dynamic stability has been estimated using Monte-Carlo simulations. The datasets have 10 times more grids than previously published. To evaluate the potential for real-world applications, we demonstrate the successful prediction on a Texan power grid model. The performance can be improved to surprisingly high levels by training more complex models on more data. Furthermore, the investigated grids have different sizes, enabling the application of out-of-distribution evaluation and transfer learning from a small to a large domain. We invite the community to improve our benchmark models and thus aid the energy transition with better tools.


  title={Dynamic stability of power grids--new datasets for Graph Neural Networks},
  author={Nauck, Christian and Lindner, Michael and Sch{\"u}rholt, Konstantin and Hellmann, Frank},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.06369},